Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year-New Knowledge

 Well folks, it's finally 2012 so that means we officially have 354 days left until the end of the world.
So knowing that (or just hypothetically imagining it) can we just try and pretend like we are smart, upright walking, free thinking creatures. Let's just stop being zombie flocks of sheep. Alright?
 Jersey Shore, anything Kardashian, Ke$ha, Teen Mom, 16 & Pregnant, Sister Wives, The Bachelor, The Bachelorette...can we all just agree that these shows contribute ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to the human race! I am totally astounded at the fact these things are popular, have an actual following- yet are completely devoid of any substance, plot, thought, interest or soul.
 These things are the exact opposite of everything I think, feel, or know....
 I mean REEEALLY ppl, how many times can you watch Snooki 'n the gang' get blackout drunk n bang a bunch of other unfortunate looking losers? Or a buncha whining crying desperate crazy bitches/dudes all vieying for the LOVE of 1 man/woman! Or how about the knocked-up youth of America? MTVs Teen Mom and 16 & Pregnant? Thanks MTV for glorifying the worst nightmare of any parent. MTV: Lets film all these girls who were obviously too dumb to know how to operate a condom, give them gobs of money and fame, then watch as they publicly fuck up their lives, beat their boyfriends on camera (in front of the kid, btw), get involved in drugs, etc. What about the poor kids, huh? WTF man.
I don't EVEN have the energy to get started w/the Kardashian family.*sigh*
Ke$ha? What the ACTUAL FUCK is that? I don't even know and don't want to either....
Sister Wives? Ladies- your vaginas are just that, and are not CLOWN CARS, OK?

 One can only hope that this new year will bring knowledge back to the minds of America. We have totally lost focus as a society. Instead of educating our children we just assume that their schools, and tv, and the internet will do it for us. That's BULLSHIT America! Wake up, stop reading this, and go read an actual book, or take your kid to the park, or go make love to the one you love! Stop watching these assinine shows, and feeding into the ego of assinine people and posers.

But whatever you do, just make sure you are exercising your mind. Please?
As it seems that Americans' brains are becoming just as obese and lazy as they are...

Happy New Year!!!

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